Strong Girls Strong World - 1 year program

Strong Girls Strong World Program

At Strong Girls Strong World, our mission is to empower girls to become their best selves. We believe in nurturing their physical and mental well-being, enhancing their self-esteem, and equipping them with valuable life skills.

The research-based curriculum includes three parts:





Valuing relationships and teamwork


Recognizing how we can shape the world at large


The 1-year program of Strong Girls Strong World by Tibu Africa is a transformative initiative aimed at empowering young girls through sports, education, and personal development. Our program is designed to provide girls with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in various aspects of their lives while promoting physical and mental well-being.

Development of Motor Skills: Our program focuses on the development of motor skills in girls aged 8 to 12 through the power of sports, ensuring they maintain good physical and mental health and experience healthy growth.

Academic Support: We are committed to helping young girls achieve excellent results in their schoolwork. Our academic support includes tutoring and mentoring to ensure their educational success.

Language Learning: Girls in our program have the opportunity to learn both French and English, enhancing their language skills and opening doors to new opportunities.

Self-Esteem Workshops: We believe in the importance of self-esteem and personal growth. Our workshops are designed to boost the self-esteem of young girls and empower them to become confident individuals.

STEM Education Through Sports: We introduce girls to STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) through sports, providing them with valuable knowledge and skills for the future.

Our success is measured by key performance indicators that reflect the positive impact of our program:

  • High Academic Success Rate: We aim for a high academic success rate, ensuring that girls perform exceptionally well in their studies.

  • Minimum Number of Major Events: We organize a minimum number of major events to provide opportunities for girls to showcase their talents and achievements.

  • Self-Esteem Index: We strive for a self-esteem index exceeding 2.7, indicating the significant improvement in girls’ self-confidence and self-worth.